About Gearheads

Gearheads is a musical comedy in the style of Golden Age shows of the 1950’s and 60’s (e.g., Guys and Dolls, The Music Man, Hello Dolly). The action takes place over the course of one day in the present on a Saturday at an auto repair shop in Toledo, Ohio. Management is absent, so the mechanics turn their break room into an ersatz frat house, completely ignoring the one customer (Candy) who shows up. Later, wives/girlfriends surprise the men by bringing in lunch. Some rivalry between the sexes takes place until a shaky truce is reached.

Over the course of the day, we see young love (Gus & Julie), a troubled attempt at a relationship (Candy & Jeff), a happy couple who constantly kid each other (Jared & Karen), a cocky mechanic who gets under everyone’s skin (Zach), and a gruff father figure who tries to help Gus (Diesel). Jeff, Candy, and Gus embark on some theatrical emotional journeys, but it all ends happily as the final curtain comes down.


The show is set in a mechanic shop. 9 men 9 women, we’re open to all possibilities for casting – all are welcome. It’s a throwback family-friendly boy-meets-girl story reminiscent of the Golden Age R&H musicals and others such as Hello Dolly, Guys and Dolls etc.
Auditions and Registration:
Auditions are Saturday, May 18th from 10-4pm
(choose the 10-1 or the 1-4 time slot)
at Farmington First United Methodist Church at 33112 Grand River Avenue.
-18 Years or Older-


Compensation $2700/actor – Rehearsals and Show Run
GEARHEADS is a new musical that will rehearse locally at Farmington First United Methodist Church and in Bloomfield locations from May-July and run for one week at the Mendelssohn Theatre in Ann Arbor at UofM Aug 4-11.
It’s an ensemble show of approximately 18 people and the paid positions for actors are $2700. The cast age ranges, 18-40ish, mostly 18-30 with one couple as the “older” couple of the show-they can be most any age.
The show is set in a mechanic shop. 9 men 9 women, we’re open to all possibilities for casting – all are welcome. It’s a throwback family-friendly boy-meets-girl story reminiscent of the Golden Age R&H musicals and others such as Hello Dolly, Guys and Dolls etc.
Prepare a 1 minute monologue and a 1 min cut (16-32 bars) of a song from the musical theatre standards or golden age era of musicals (think Showboat to West Side Story range). Also prep a cut from the Gearheads musical (cuts will be provided). Gearheads songs do not need to be memorized we just want to hear you on the material and will have recordings you can listen to get the feel. – actors may also be asked to do a cold reading from script 
There is a dance audition as well, though this show is not dance-heavy.
Rehearsals are Tuesdays 7-10 in Bloomfield, as well as Thursdays 6-10, and Saturdays 10am – 2pm at Farmington First United Methodist Church in downtown Farmington. Not all are called on any given day. Some conflicts can be worked around except tech and show dates.
The show tech will start Aug 4th in Ann Arbor and will premiere August 9-11 at The Mendelssohn Theatre with a 20 piece live orchestral accompaniment.
The director is a local Equity actor/director, Joey Albright who hails from The Purple Rose and (among other credits) was in Escanaba in Da Moonlight with Jeff Daniels (the live show and the movie). He’s a great guy and I think people would love working with him. (Actually, I KNOW people will love working with him!)


Debbie Tedrick
(Associate Producer/Music Director) at 248/388-2700 or debbietedrick@gmail.com for audition info, cuts, compensation questions, or scheduling inquiries.
Further Updates and information will also be available through InterACT Entertainment